Category: VMware

Configuring TPM 2.0 on a 6.7 ESXi host

In a previous blog post I went over the details on how ESXi uses a TPM 2.0 chip to provide assurance that Secure Boot did its job and how that “attestation” rolls up to vCenter to be reported on.

In this blog article I’m going to go over some of steps necessary to configure the ESXi host to use TPM 2.0 chip. Now, I have only a limited number of hardware systems in my lab from which to do this, but the steps should be familiar, regardless of the server model.

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Prepping an ESXi 6.7 host for Secure Boot

When 6.7 went “GA” or General Availability, I was excited to get it installed and running on my bare metal hosts in my lab here at VMware. I had gotten my Dell R630’s updated with TPM 2.0 chips and was looking forward to booting with “attested” hosts. But I had a few issues before I was able to get everything working. This blog article is Part 1 of a two part series on how to configure your hosts to use Secure Boot and TPM 2.0.

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vSphere 6.7 Security – Media Resources

As our vSphere 6.7 Security Week comes to a close I’d like to leave you with some more content. In this blog I’ll share with you a number of videos, walkthroughs and a podcast on all the 6.7 security features that have been covered so far.

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