Category: Technical

PowerCLI for VM Encryption

Hi everyone,

I’m happy (ok, beyond happy!) to announce that our VM Encryption engineering team has released a PowerCLI module for VM Encryption! In case you weren’t aware, there’s a Github repository of VMware PowerShell modules. Check them out!

Included in there is the new PowerCLI Module for VM Encryption. It’s chock full of lots of great cmdlets and new VI Properties that make your day to day management of vSphere 6.5 VM Encryption easier to automate. The goal here is to help you operationalize security as easily as possible. If you can’t make security easy to incorporate into your day to day operations then people will find a way to not do it.

Encrypting a VM shouldn’t mean having to manage an encryption solution IN the VM. It should be as simple as “Get-VM” and piping that to “Enable-VMEncryption”, right? Well, with VM Encryption it IS! Let’s take a look.

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